San Antero is a small paradise located in Cordoba, this beach is a tourist destination visited regularly by the beauty of its landscape and the waters of its beach. It is located on the road that leads to Tolú and Coveñas and is undoubtedly an excellent place for rest, but also for fun.

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How to get to San Antero, Córdoba?

This tourist destination is located in the north of the department of Cordoba, to get to San Antero you can first arrive at the city of Montería, in the bus terminal you can find routes to San Antero, the journey takes about an hour and thirty minutes.

Geography and Climate in San Antero, Córdoba

San Antero is located between 5 and 48 meters above sea level, with an average temperature of 33°C. When visiting this tourist destination in Colombia, wear warm clothes, preferably white. Do not forget your bathing suit, sunscreen and insect repellent. It is advisable to use glasses, cap or hat to protect yourself from the sun.

What to do in San Antero Cordoba?

San Antero is a municipality with a beach that has a very special attraction and is that in its waters you can find pink dolphins, gray dolphins and albino turtles that are an experience for tourists. This wonderful place is on the shores of the Colombian Caribbean Sea at the mouth of the Sinu River.

One of the most visited places in San Antero is the Bay of Cispatá, here, the tourist will be able to bathe in fresh and salty waters, since it will find the Caribbean sea and the marsh of the Caimanera that is full of beautiful landscapes. In Bahía Cispatá you will be able to practice adventure sports such as kayaking and riding the traditional banana. You can also take ferry and jet ski rides.

San Antero offers you the opportunity to get to know the beautiful mangroves since it is an area of great ecological importance despite the fact that there are 5 types of mangroves here. This means that the municipality presents a variety of flora and fauna, which you can also enjoy watching birds and animals.

Visiting San Antero is an experience of relaxation and tranquility, enjoy the waters of this beautiful beach, sunbathe and tan your skin in the middle of a landscape of calm and rest.

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Gastronomy in San Antero

San Antero is a municipality in which the main source of money is fishing, in addition to livestock and agriculture, so in the restaurants you will find fish in all their preparations. San Antero has a variety of restaurants and shops that offer a variety of menus at different prices.

Where to stay in San Antero, Córdoba?

In San Antero you will find a good offer of lodgings, hotels, hostals and camping areas at economic costs according to your needs.


Entering the beach of San Antero has no cost, however, you will have to pay to enjoy the water activities.