Colombia is a country with a diversity that marvels and, although everyone knows this country for its beaches and the beauty of its seas, here you will find unusual places like Los Nevados National Natural Park in which, as its name indicates, you can find snow mountains in the middle of the Colombian coffee belt.


Los Nevados National Natural Park is located in the central Andean mountain range of Colombia in the departments of Risaralda, Tolima, Quindío and Caldas. To get to Los Nevados National Park there are several options, you can get from Risaralda on the route La Florida – La Suiza – El Cedral – Laguna del Otún – Nevado Santa Isabel. From Quindío, crossing the Cocora Valley 25 kilometers to La Primavera sector. By Tolima you must start your trip in Ibagué and then take the route Cañón del Combeima to Juntas where you can start the journey. It should be clarified that depending on where you arrive you will be able to see different mountains.


In the Los Nevados Park you will find temperatures from -4°C to 14°C depending on the region you visit, in this place there are thermal floors of cold, moor and icy, therefore, it is recommended to wear very warm clothing because you will be in direct contact with the snow, waterproof jacket, gloves and ski masks, high mountain footwear, use sunscreen of high range. Do not forget your harness, snow stakes and screws, ropes and carabiners. Your safety is very important.


Los Nevados Park is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Colombia since this mountainous system covers around 4 departments of the country and keeps in itself a natural reserve like no other. These snow-covered mountains will allow the tourist to have a direct experience with the snow and the icy thermal floor, you can make an interesting walk on snow-covered mountains, it is important to plan your trip and that these tours can last between 8 and ten hours according to the area you visit.

In this park you will be able to do trekking and mountaineering with a landscape that astonishes your expectants, the nationals and foreigners visit the area of Los Termales since it is one of the most striking of the whole park.

The reserve Los Nevados National Natural Park is habitad of different species of fauna and flora that the tourist will be able to observe and to know, on the other hand, this place is center of scientific investigations reason why it has an enormous importance for the country, and not only for this, since in this place it will find lagoons that constitute a great hydric reserve.

The park has an extension of 8,000 hectares in which you can take photographs with fascinating landscapes. Of course, in Los Nevados National Natural Parkt here is space for extreme sports, you will have the opportunity to practice mountain biking and climbing.
Do not forget that you must book your visit in advance, it is required to have a guide endorsed by the park, you must also have their respective accident insurance and rescue.

Remember to acclimatize enough so as not to have health problems in the place, it is important that you have enough liquid, this visit requires an excellent state of health.


To enter Los Nevados National Park you must pay an entrance fee:
National or foreigner resident in Colombia older than 5 to 25 years: $8.500
National or foreign resident in Colombia older than 25 years: $16,000
Non-resident foreigner in Colombia: $45,000